Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The mouse is dead, long live the mouse.

Why doesn't everybody get rid of their old rollerball mice. They fill up with crud and end up making the mouse pointer jump all over the screen. I have just bought an optical laser mouse for under a fiver. It is smooth as silk, does not require a mousemat and does not get clogged up with bits of old crap.

The (rollerball) mouse is dead, long live the (optical) mouse.

... but on the other hand I am not prepared to embrace the wireless mouse because I do not want the bother of changing the battery and the signal strength gradually weakening and all the hassle that that involves.

In summary.

Rollerball mouse = "Rubbish !"
Optical mouse (with cable) = "Superb !"
Optical mouse (with wireless) = "Pain in the ass"   :-(

The petulant geek has spoken.


  1. Hay Thanks Ben.. its always nice to read and learn all that u put down here :)

  2. I have a wireless mouse and it's true that one has to change the batteries occasionally which is a small expense though very easy.

    Also, it seems that the internal circuit is such that the performance remains constant right up to the moment it doesn't work. My HP wireless keyboard even puts up a notice on the screen that the batteries need changing.
